A quick guide to Gifting Diamonds

Pick What's Perfect - A Quick Guide to Gifting Diamonds

Finding the right diamond can be a daunting task if you're planning to gift it to someone special. So, how do you make the right choice if you have never been to a jewellery store before? Read ahead to know more. 

There is no such feeling like seeing the joy in your loved one's eyes when they open the perfect gift. No matter how fast technology takes this world to the zenith, we still have the same hearts that have their own watershed moments whether it is a personal achievement or a special milestone. Gifting a diamond can instill a special feeling, one that's often associated with a ceremony or tradition.

To gift the perfect diamond, you need to have a good idea about diamonds and their features and specifications. If you randomly walk into a jewellery store, you may be confronted with words like grading scales, inclusions, colors and certifications. If you're planning to gift the best set of diamonds to your loved one, here's a checklist that you should watch out for before buying.

The C to C of Buying a Diamond

The Four Cs

The four Cs are the best guide to buying and gifting the perfect diamonds. These are Cut, Color, Clarity and Carat Weight.

The Cut: The cut of the diamond defines the diamond's brilliance. It gives a beautiful shape to the stone and highlights the breathtaking details of it. It also determines the amount at which the stone would reflect the light that falls on it.

The Clarity: Most diamonds have some inclusions, inner flaws that take place during the formation period. The diamonds which have lesser flaws are more brilliant and are the ones that are priced the most.

The Color: Diamonds that are colorless are the ones that have the costliest price tags attached to them. If you're wondering why, this is because unlike colored diamonds, they do not absorb the light that falls on them. Ideally a colorless diamond looks brilliant when light falls on it. Buying a colored diamond also has its own charm, so see what you prefer!

The Carat Weight: A carat can be defined as the unit of weight by which people measure a diamond. It's no surprise then that there's an increase in the price with an increase in carats. A diamond with higher carats will have more details on it and is sure to display a brilliance that might go up a few notches when compared to a regular diamond.

Now that you know what to look for while buying diamonds, the next question that's bound to cross your mind is: where do you go for the perfect stones? Or how can you gauge their authenticity? To ward off your worries about these questions, here's a sneak peek into the various credentials and diamond certifying labs.

What You Should Know About Diamonds

When you plan to invest in a perfect stone for your loved one, ensure that it is not a superficial one. There are a number of labs that certify diamonds, but the AGS (American Gem Society) and the GIA (Gemological Institute of America) are the two most well known diamond grading labs. When you buy a certified diamond, make an informed choice of what you are buy

There can be many occasions to gift a diamond to your dearest one. But do you know when to gift what? Here's an all-you-need-to-know guide of some specific important events when you can gift someone diamonds.

For All Romantic Occasions

Diamond jewellery enhances the feel and mood of any romantic occasion. Try gifting your girlfriend with a diamond necklace with the shape of a heart; it signifies your love for her and makes her feel special. Surprise your wife by gifting an anniversary diamond pendant and see how her face lights up. You can also consider giving a diamond necklace to your daughter or on her wedding day and make her day.

For Achievements and Accomplishments

Achievements call for major gifts that make the other person, he is truly worth it. Diamond jewellery is the perfect way to celebrate a graduation, promotion, new job and a new baby. Celebrate special milestones in your loved one's life by gifting them a diamond.

Just to Surprise Her

Sometimes the best gifts come unexpected. If you want to show your love to your wife for being there for you or show your appreciation to your mom or see your daughter's face lighten up, gift them diamond jewellery spontaneously. Diamond heart pendants will impress anybody on any day of the week.

For Your Beloved's Birthdays

A diamond pendant is apt for your 25 year-old girlfriend, 15 year-old sister and 50 year-old mother on their birthday. It never disappoints.

And Before You Put the Money Down...

How do you decide on the amount of money to be spent?

Well, that largely depends on whether you're planning to pay for the purchase in cash, a credit offer by the jeweler, or a credit card. Be aware of the fact that people who take a financial interest in your purchase are not the best people to take suggestions from while buying. You should be the sole person who decides what to buy. On any given day, the diamond that you gift to your loved one should match her taste as she'll surely not look for the price tag on it.

Gifting a diamond is a priceless gesture towards the person you are gifting it to. It shows your emotions, love and attachment to him or her, so make sure that your pick is worth it!