Lakshmi Lotus Jewellery

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FILTERED BY Lakshmi Lotus
  • Rs. 13,736

Lakshmi Lotus Jewellery

Lakshmi Lotus Jewellery Designs: An Expression of Your Faith

Women wear jewellery for a number of reasons. For some, it is merely a fashion accessory while for others it is also a reminder of their religious beliefs. Those who are looking to make a fashionable expression of their faith choose to wear religious jewellery that features one or more prominent symbols associated with a religion. The cross is the most commonly used symbols in Christianity while the crescent and khanda are used in Islam and Sikh religions. When it comes to Hinduism, we associate different symbols with different deities. For instance, when you hear the word Lord Shiva, symbols like trishool and damaru come to our mind while Lord Krishna often brings up the image of a flute or peacock feather.

Goddess Lakshmi is one of the most revered Hindu deities in India. Lakshmi is the Goddess of wealth and prosperity and is associated with a number of symbols such as the gold coins, the colour red, and of course the blooming lotus. Thus, the lotus is a favoured motif when it comes to jewellery symbolising Goddess Lakshmi. For the devotees of Goddess Lakshmi, we at BlueStone offer our collection of Lakshmi Lotus jewellery designs in the form of pendants. Made of 18kt gold, each of the pieces in the collection features the Lotus motif in breathtakingly creative ways.

Why Wear a Religious Pendant?

Religious jewellery is worn not just to tell the world of your beliefs but also to remind yourself of these beliefs, especially in difficult times. While earrings and rings are always on display, pendants can be worn on a long chain so as to be known only to you. According to Hindu beliefs, wearing pendants with religious symbols can also help attract the qualities of the deity they are associated with. Thus, wearing a pendant like the diamond-studded Adi Lakshmi Pendant can help invoke the principles of Goddess Lakshmi. Besides being an expression of your faith, the fabulous and creative design of this multistone pendant makes a quite a powerful style statement.

Why Buy Lakshmi Lotus Jewellery Designs?

When Lakshmi is depicted in paintings, not only does she hold a lotus in her hands but she is also often shown as seated on a lotus. For this reason, some of the other names Goddess Lakshmi is associated with include Padma, Kamala, Padmapriya, Padmamukhi, and Padmakshi. The lotus she is seated on is symbolic of how it is always beautiful and pure despite the fact the lotus flower grows in muddy waters. Thus, it is a symbol of purity; it also reminds believers to live their lives without being possessed by worldly things. In addition, the lotuses in Lakshmi’s hands also symbolise eternity, life, fertility and everlasting youth. What better way to express your devotion towards Goddess Lakshmi that with a finely crafted pendant that features this rich and meaningful symbol?

The Symbolism of the Colour Red

Lakshmi is almost always shown wearing a red saree with gold thread embroidery. Red is a very important colour is Hindu mythology. It symbolises purity, fertility, and auspiciousness. For this reason, the colour red is always present in a Hindu wedding ceremony. Lakshmi is also known as the Goddess of prosperity and the colour red reaffirms this idea. When it comes to gemstones, the colour red instantly brings rubies to our mind. Rubies are one of the four most precious and popular stones used in Lakshmi Lotus jewellery designs. Take, for instance, the Swarna Pendant in our collection. Designed in the shape of an open lotus, the pendant features a deep red marquise-cut ruby in the centre. For those looking to combine the symbolism of lotus with that of the colour red, this gemstone pendant is the best pick.

Buy Lakshmi Lotus Jewellery Online

Whether you want to buy Lakshmi Lotus jewellery designs for yourself or as a gift for a loved one, the pieces in our display are ideal choices. There are a number of advantages to shopping online with us. Along with giving you the best designs to choose from, we also constantly endeavour to give you the best shopping experience possible by bridging the gap between online and offline shopping. We understand that sometimes it may be hard to pick a design without trying it on and hence offer to do just that. If you find it difficult to make up your mind between two or more designs, we could send your selected designs home to you so that you could try them on and see which one suits you more. And the best part is that our home try-on option comes at no cost.

Sometimes, it may also happen that you love a design but find the Lakshmi Lotus jewellery price a little above your budget. In such cases, you could choose to customise your jewellery to reduce the price. Our designs are typically made in 18kt gold but you could choose to lower the carat value to 14kt. This does not affect the design in any way, but reduces the prices considerably. You can also choose to customise the clarity of diamonds and gemstone, which also impacts our religious jewellery prices. So what are you waiting for? Choose your favourite designs and celebrate the symbolism of the lotus today. Even if you are not a devotee of Goddess Lakshmi, you will find it hard to say no to the craftsmanship of these pendants.

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